Adding on To Your HubSpot + Wix Marketing Powerhouse

Adding on To Your HubSpot + Wix Marketing Powerhouse

October 11, 2022

If you’ve recently downloaded the SyncSmart HubSpot Wix integration/app, congratulations! You’re on the way to seamlessly syncing Wix form submissions and contacts to HubSpot. 

What does that mean exactly, though? Catch up on what the app does and a few examples of how to amplify your marketing efforts using it here. Keep reading if you’re ready to learn additional ways to build your HubSpot Wix marketing powerhouse. 

Different Ways to Use the HubSpot Wix App

As noted, the HubSpot Wix app collects form submission data and Wix contacts and syncs them over to HubSpot. It also installs a HubSpot tracking code on every page of your Wix website. That means you can take your vital Wix information and use it with HubSpot’s expansive marketing features. Here are some ideas on what to do with your Wix data in HubSpot. 

Set contacts as marketing contacts.

Last year, HubSpot implemented a new add-on feature called marketing contacts. Marketing contacts are the only contacts within your organization that your team can target with emails and ads. You’ll only pay for contacts flagged as marketing contacts, and HubSpot will store your non-marketing contacts free of charge, allowing you to make the most of your marketing and ad budget. Once your Wix contacts have synced to HubSpot, you can use this feature (if you have the correct Marketing Hub subscription). 

Create an ad audience.

Once you have your contacts and their field information in HubSpot, you can use that data to create an ad audience. You can also use your website visitor data that the HubSpot tracking code pulls in to create one. 

An ad audience is helpful because it lets your team specify who can see your Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn ads. By making these audiences, you can hyper-target people with useful content that appeals to them. You can get creative with it by crafting one ad and personalizing it for your different audiences. And to top it off, you can A/B test it to see what works best and supercharge your engagement. 

Segment your customers.

With the HubSpot Wix app, you should be able to determine which of your contacts are leads and which are customers. HubSpot lets you segment your customers based on age, profession, interest, and other demographics. Build a list of your customers and use this information to email them accordingly. You can send check-ins and surveys or try to upsell or cross-sell them. Whatever you do, the app with HubSpot makes it easy to ensure you don’t forget to reach out to your loyal customers. 

Create compelling social posts.

The HubSpot Wix app gives you tons of details on who’s visiting your site and submitting forms. That sort of data can inform what you post on social media. For example, if most of your form submissions are coming from a particular region of the country, you could tailor a tweet to that area. Or, if you’ve noticed that people aren’t clicking on your social media channels, you could move that information to another part of your site to entice them. 

HubSpot’s social media tools make it easy to share content with your followers and monitor its impact to see what works and what doesn’t. 

Build a reporting dashboard.

Reporting and marketing go hand in hand. Generally, marketing teams have to log in and out of multiple platforms to report on their customer journey and everything that goes along with it. The HubSpot Wix app eliminates that issue. 

After your data has synced into HubSpot, you can use the tool to report on whatever you need within a single platform. You can use HubSpot’s pre-built marketing and sales reporting dashboards or customize them for easy reviewing and analyzing. Your team can dive into attribution reporting to see how their marketing efforts impact lead and revenue generation. 

Log everything about a HubSpot contact.

When a contact fills out a form on your Wix website, it syncs to HubSpot as an event on the contact timeline. Here you will be able to see all of the information the contacts filled out on the form. Activities you can see here include notes, emails, calls, tasks, and meetings. 

The data on your contact’s timeline can be used for numerous campaigns — knowing when to route to sales, automating tasks, and crafting perfect follow-up marketing or sales material.

The Takeaway

Syncing your Wix contacts and traffic to HubSpot in real-time and utilizing that data to supercharge your marketing efforts has never been easier. You simply download the app on the HubSpot app marketplace, get it going, and refer back to our ideas here. However, if you need help or would like us to expand on any of these topics, please let us know. 

Drop us a line or check out more about the app on our site.

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